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Roofing Licensing Bill Passes House Committee by Wide MArgin
To: All Roofing Contractors
Consider Joining ORCA,
ORCA is the ONLY Construction Trade Association in Ohio that is EXCLUSIVELY looking out for the interests of the Roofing Contractor. We are always there trying to anticipate your needs. From educational webinars and bulletins to our Outstanding Annual Golf Outing.
In addition to our programs and services, we also advocate for the roofing industry at the Ohio Statehouse. We are currently working on Private Project Prompt Pay, Retainage Simplification, Competitive Bidding Protections, and of course, the Commercial Roofing Licensing Bill.
Our chances of getting the Ohio Roofing Contractors Licensing Bill passed in 2023 is excellent!
Last session we were able to get an overwhelming bi-partisan vote to pass the bill in the House, but we ran out of time in the Senate. The Ohio General Assembly is a slow-moving process, even when you have strong labor and construction industry support and no industry organizations in opposition. Because we are so close, ORCA is focusing most of its resources toward successful adoption of the Roofing Contractors State Licensing Bill.
Right now, we need ALL Ohio Roofing Contractors to join and support our cause with your dues investment. With your strong support, we can finally make licensing happen this year. Our licensing proposal is simple: to protect the consumer and emergency first responders and to maintain the professionalism and integrity of the roofing industry in Ohio.
The commercial roofing license will exactly mirror and be administered exactly the same as the current state licenses for Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical contractors. It is a VERY low annual fee and reasonable continuing education, insurance, and grandfathering requirements to match the other trades.
So please become a member of ORCA today! Our sincere thanks go out to the many Ohio Roofing Contractors who have taken the time to go down to the Statehouse to testify, write letters or reach out to their local legislators over coffee or at an event. Here is your chance to pitch in like they have and push this bill over the finish line!
Robert H. Pope
Executive Director