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Drug Free Safety Program Training-November 15th

Annual Training for
Supervisors & Employees


The Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation (BWC) Drug Free Safety Program requires that your employees receive 1 hour of Employee Refresher Training and that your Supervisors receive an additional 1 hour of Supervisor Refresher Training each year the program is in effect.

The session will be based around the Ohio BWC Drug Free Safety Program standard policy. We recommend that your employees come to this session with a copy of their specific company or local union policy in hand, so that they have the opportunity to ask questions on items that might be unique to their policy.

Friday, November 15th


Supervisors  2:00 - 4:00 PM
Employees  3:00 - 4:00 PM

7250 Poe Ave., Dayton
First Floor Conference Room


Supervisor  $85
Employee  $45


Register Online


We can now come to you!
Morgan Arwood for more details (888) 294-7733


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