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Our Mission
Membership Benefits
Membership in the Ohio Roofing Contractors Association can pay for itself many times over when members utilize the many valuable services that the ORCA provides. Listed below are some of our services:
This plan provides members with the ability to get back their investment in dues many times over. Every ORCA Member is entitled to one free telephone or electronic consultation per month with any of the attorneys of Auman, Mahan, and Furry. This firm specializes in Labor Law, OSHA, and Construction Contract Law.
ORCA Is your advocate at the Statehouse and at key State Agencies! The Legislative Committee was successful in passing the Independent Contractors Legislation. The Committee is currently monitoring issues such as statewide licensure, retainage reform, the new residential code, and Workers' Compensation and Prompt Pay Act reform.
ORCA’s newsletter highlights Association activities, upcoming events, and special interest jobs, as well as having featured articles on such topics as asbestos, roof safety, workers’ compensation, and construction contract law.
These Bulletins brings industry news to our members between newsletter issues. It also provides valuable industry information in a condensed format so you can get up to date fast and use the information immediately!
ORCA in conjunction with Professional Safety Resources Company of Ohio offers ORCA Members a complete safety program that is customized to each specific firm at a very reasonable cost. The program has the additional benefit of being updated continually.
In addition to the seminar schedule offered at the Annual Convention, ORCA offers seminars throughout the year on topics such as Safety, Sales Tax, Retainage, Warranties, Sales Tax, etc.
This event, held in the Spring of each year, shows that business can be pleasure. This opportunity for a great day of golf, a wonderful dinner, and lots of prizes is made even more valuable by the added chance to build social relationships with your colleagues from the roofing industry.
For over ten years the Ohio Roofing Contractors Association Workers’ Compensation Group Rating Program has been administered by Hunter Consulting Company. By participating in our group your company can save up to 53% on your Workers’ Compensation premium payment to the state. This is an extremely important revenue saving program that is offered by ORCA, which will impact your company’s bottom-line in a positive light.
The website is a key item in our ongoing program to promote our ORCA Member Contractors. This website is not only designed to help the roofing customer find an ORCA Member in their area, but also to help you the contractor stay informed about current issues that affect your business, as well as providing access to contractor services and product suppliers.
ORCA Members receive the service of a full-time staff; ready to give direct answers to your questions or to find the source with the answer you need.
Safety Marketplace:
Through the Beeline Purchasing Program, ORCA members can buy safety products directly from manufacturers at considerable discounts - up to 30% savings. Click here to browse the catalog.
If you have issues making a purchase, please contact
Kevin Holden at Beeline Purchasing, 800-292-1397 or
Benefits include:
- 10-30% savings over traditional methods of purchasing
- Multiply the buying power of the entire group for additional discounts
- Independent and unbiased brokers
For more detailed information on any of these services, please contact ORCA at 888-294-0084.
None at this time.